Last night at dinner, our whole group went around and shared with Forsan, the CEO of the JIY, the most impactful part of our trip. Now, we all had an extremely difficult time coming up with just one peice to share, but when it came down to it, our group agreed that we found inspiration and were really impacted by the unexpected experiences on this trip.
For me, coming to the Holy Land meant seeing all sorts of sights that are significant to my faith. I expected to have my mind blown by standing in the same places that Jesus and His followers stood, by swimming in the very waters that Jesus walked on, and by running my hands through the river that Jesus was baptized in. Now, don't get me wrong, that was indeed mind blowing, however,I never expected to learn so much, to have my outlook change so significantly, or to become as emotionally invested with the work of the Jerusalem International YMCA. To begin with, I had no idea of the magnitude of the political and religious tensions felt in this area and their effects on the people living there. And, as I have said before, these issues are extremely complicated and I still don't fully understand them (and probably never will.) However, after listening to the stories of all of the people (especially from Forsan, the night he took us to he olive trees in his village) I now see the great necessity for peace work, like that of the JIY.
I take back to Charlotte with me a new knowledge, interest, and desire to help in whatever capacity I can from afar. I don't know whether I will have the opportunity to travel to this part of the world again or not, but I will carry the impact that this trip has left on me forever.
Written by Katey Calhoun